Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Volunteer SEA Games 2019

This is an unofficial Facebook page, created to share updates for the coming 2019 SEA games in the Philippines most especially the volunteering opportunities for the games.
SEA Games: 30 November to 10 December 2019
ASEAN Para Games: January 2020
Catergory 1: Athletics, Aquatics,
Catergory 2: Archery, Badminton, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Billiards, Bowling, Boxing, Canoe/Traditional Boat Race, Chess, Cycling, Dancesport, Fencing, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Ice Hockey, Ice Skating, Judo, Karatedo, Modern Pentathlon, Muay, Pencak Silat, Polo, Rowing, Rugby Sevens, Sailing/Windsurfing, Sepak Takraw, Skateboarding, Shooting, Soft Tennis, Squash, Surfing, Table Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, and Wushu.
Categry 3: Arnis, E-sports, Floorball, Jiu-jitsu, Kickboxing, Kurash, Lawnbowls/Petanque, Netball, Obstacle Course, Sambo/Vovinam, Underwater Hockey, and Wakeboarding.
Cluster 1: Clark in Pampanga (21 sports)
Cluster 2: Subic (14)
Cluster 3: Metro Manila (19)
Cluster 4: BLT (Batangas, La Union and Tagaytay) (4)
- 9,600 Athletes and Officials
- 12,000 Volunteers will be needed for various roles
- Volunteer program to be launch SOON

Sumber : Fans Page SEA GAMES 2019

Friday, 15 February 2019


  • Volunteers will be provided with a set of originally-designed Olympic and Paralympic Games volunteer uniforms (shirt, jacket, trousers, cap, shoes, bag). Please note that for certain items volunteers may receive more than one item.
  • Food and beverages during the volunteer activity.
  • Insurance specific to the volunteer activity.
  • Amount equivalent to travel expenses from your place of residence or accommodation to the venue (1,000 yen/day)
※ In case transport/accommodation expenses arise for the volunteer to travel between his/her home and the place of residence during the orientation and training sessions as well as the actual volunteer activity period, such expenses must be incurred by the volunteer.


Volunteers are "the face" of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, and the success of the Games depends on your contribution! We welcome the participation of people with the passion to contribute to the success of the Games, people who wish to experience the event operation of the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in their own country, and people who want to help spread the excitement of the Tokyo 2020 Games!

Games volunteers will be directly involved in assisting Games' operations before, during and after the Tokyo 2020 Games, and will be expected to play an active role in helping to create a positive and exciting atmosphere, thus contributing to the overall success of the Games.

Number of Volunteering Days

In principle, volunteers will be required to work for at least ten days before, during and after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Depending on Games competition schedules, the content and location of volunteer activities, and working shifts, the number of days volunteers will be required to work may be reduced to less than ten days.
  • ※ Pre-Games preparations are expected to begin in April 2020.
  • ※ The Olympic Games will be held from Friday 24 July to Sunday 9 August, while the Paralympic Games will be held from Tuesday 25 August to Sunday 6 September 2020.
  • ※ In principle, volunteers will be required to work for up to five consecutive days.
  • ※ Those who would like to undertake volunteer work at both the Olympic and Paralympic Games may be required to work ten or more days at each event – a total of 20 or more days.

Daily Hours

Approximately eight hours per day including rest breaks and standby times.
  • ※ Actual shift lengths depend on event schedules, activities, activity sites, etc.
  • ※ Meal breaks are not included in the volunteer working hours.

Age and residential requirements

Applicants must fulfil the following two requirements
  1. Born on or before April 1, 2002
  2. Japanese national or person with valid visa permitting residence in Japan during the volunteer period (temporary visitors included)

Number of Games Volunteer Opportunities


Recruitment Period

26 September through 17:00 JST on 21 December 2018
※ Please note that a further application period may be held depending on the preparation status.


Applications will be submitted online.
The detailed application is currently being prepared and will be made available on the Tokyo 2020 website.
The volunteer website and application will be accessible as per the Tokyo 2020 Accessibility Guidelines.

Applicant Categories

Individuals only

Offers and Confirmation

Those applicants who attend the orientation and training sessions and are assigned a volunteer role will be offered to become a Tokyo 2020 Games volunteer.
Please note that the above offer will be cancelled in the event of any of the following:
  • If the volunteer requests the offer to be cancelled.
  • If the volunteer engages in any activity that damages the image of the Tokyo 2020 Games.
  • If the volunteer engages in any activity that severely obstructs or damages teamwork.
  • If the volunteer engages in any activity that is deemed as a hindrance, annoyance, etc. to any Games spectator or Games-related personnel.
  • If any information contained in the original application form is clearly found to be false.


Ada, Masing-masing instansi mempunyai persyaratan khusus.
- Untuk Tenaga Pendidik :
1. Berusia Maksimal 57 tahun per 1 April 2019
2. Pendidikan Minimal S1/DIV dengan jurusan relevan dengan mata pelajaran pada kurikulum
3. Masih aktif mengajar sampai saat mendaftar yang dibuktikan dengan surat penugasan dari Kepala Sekolah/Kepala Dinas yang menyatakan masih aktif yang memuat informasi minimal NUPTK/NIK, nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, nama sekolah, mata pelajaran yang diampu, Kab/Kota/Provinsi.
4. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan di sekolah negeri Kab/Kota/Provinsi sesuai wilayah tempat mengajar dan berdasarkan peta kebutuhan guru saat ini.

-Untuk Tenaga Kesehatan :
1. Memiliki Pendidikan minimal D-III bidang kesehatan sesuai dengan persyaratan jabatan dan mempunyai STR yang masih berlaku (bukan STR internship) kecuali untuk epidemiolog, Entomolog, Administrator kesehatan, dan Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan dengan Pendidikan D-III/S1- Kimia/Biologi.
2. STR (Surat Tanda Registrasi) di unggah melalui SSCASN
3. Ijazah diunggah melalui SSCASN
4. Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan Terakhir di unggah melalui SSCASN
5. Daftar persyaratan jabatan
-Untuk Tenaga Penyuluh Pertanian : Persyaratan sesuai dengan Permenpan No.2 tahun 2008 dan PP No.49 tahun 2018

Bagaimana Jika Data NIK Dan Nomor Kartu Keluarga (KK) / NIK Kepala Keluarga Tidak Sesuai?

Apabila terdapat ketidaksesuaian data antara NIK dan Nomor Kartu Keluarga (KK) / NIK Kepala Keluarga, silahkan mengajukan permohonan perbaikan data ke Kantor DUKCAPIL setempat sesuai alamat KTP, atau DUKCAPIL PUSAT untuk melakukan perbaikan data sesuai dengan dokumen resmi yang Anda miliki.

Bagaimana Jika Data Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (KTP) Tidak sesuai dengan Ijazah?

- Hubungi Kantor DUKCAPIL setempat sesuai alamat KTP, atau DUKCAPIL PUSAT untuk melakukan perbaikan data sesuai dengan dokumen resmi (ijazah) yang Anda miliki.

- Kontak DITJEN DUKCAPIL dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut 

- Layanan Helpdesk Ditjen Dukcapil (Call Center : 1500537)


Untuk mendaftar seleksi PPPK, silahkan masuk ke portal

Bagi THK-II dan Pemekaran / Pengalihan:
- Untuk THK-II THL-TB Pertanian (Tidak Mengalami Pemekaran )
1.Peserta Isi Form di Helpdesk
2.Menginput NIK dan No KK
3.Nomer Peserta THK-II/Identitas THL-TB
5.Tanggal Lahir
6.Nama Instansi 

Setelah Input data diatas baru dapat Nomer Tiket, setelah Itu cetak Kartu Tanda Peserta THK-II/THL-TB.

Setelah Itu Peserta datang Ke BKD membawa 
- Cetakan Kartu Tanda Peserta
- Pas Foto 3x4 2 lembar latar belakang Merah
- Berkas pendukung lain nya yang dipersyaratkan

Setelah Itu baru diverifikasi datanya oleh BKD dan mendapat salinan Kartu peserta yang sudah ditandatangani pejabat yang berwenang. setelah itu baru Anda dapat mendaftar
- Untuk THK-II (Mengalami Pemekaran )
1.Peserta Isi Form di Helpdesk
2.Menginput NIK dan No KK
3.Nomer Peserta THK-II
5.Tanggal Lahir
6.Instansi lama
7.Instansi Baru

Setelah Input data diatas baru dapat Nomer Tiket, setelah Itu cetak Kartu Tanda Peserta THK-II.
Setelah Itu Peserta datang Ke BKD membawa 
- Cetakan Kartu Tanda Peserta
- Pas Foto 3x4 2 lembar latar belakang Merah
- Berkas pendukung lain nya yang dipersyaratkan
Setelah Itu baru diverifikasi Instansi Kerjanya oleh BKD dan mendapat salinan Kartu peserta yang sudah ditandatangani pejabat yang berwenang. 
setelah itu baru Anda dapat mendaftar.


a. Tahap 1 :Tenaga Honorer Eks Kategori-II (kelompok tugas Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Penyuluh Pertanian) serta THLTB Penyuluh Pertanian yang memenuhi syarat sesuai aturan Permenpan No 2 Tahun 2019 tiap-tiap instansi (Formasi, Jabatan, dll) selama batas usia yang dipersyaratkan.

b. Tahap 2 : Pelamar PPPK Umum


a. Tahap 1 : Tenaga Honorer Eks Kategori-II (kelompok tugas Pendidikan dan Kesehatan), Dosen PTNB serta THLTB Penyuluh Pertanian..

b. Tahap 2 : Pelamar PPPK Umum.

Sumber :


SSCASN atau Sistem Seleksi Calon Aparatur Sipil Negara adalah situs resmi pendaftaran PPPK, PNS dan Sekolah Kedinasan secara Nasional. Sebagai pintu pendaftaran pertama seleksi Aparatur Sipil Negara ke seluruh Instansi baik Pusat maupun Daerah dan dikelola oleh Badan Kepegawaian Negara RI sebagai Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan Nasional. SSCASN dapat diakses dengan alamat

Sumber :

Jadwal Wisuda ke 114 Universitas Negeri Padang

Jadwal, syarat, tata cara dan langkah-langkah pendaftaran Calon Wisuda Universitas Negeri Padang Periode ke 114 tanggal 23 s.d 25 Maret 2019 dapat diunduh di sini.

Sumber : Portal UNP


Hallo Sahabat BlueBuddiess, lama tidak posting di Blog, semoga nanti saya bisa lebih banyak memberikan informasi di blog ini

oia bagi teman - teman yang ingin tahu banyak tentang saya, juga bisa kunjungi beberapa akun saya berikut ya

Invite WhatsApp : 0852-78148956

Wednesday, 6 February 2019



We are pleased to announce the following names who invite for Online Test of Recruitment PT. ANTAM Tbk. UBPP Logam Mulia – Period 2019. The list of candidates can be found under the following link:  here 

Further details about online test selection process will be informed through ANTAM's official website: and email: We would like to remind all applicants ANTAM does not ask for money from applicants under any circumstances or at any point in the recruitment process, including accommodation, transportation, selection fees and other costs. ANTAM does not engage any travel agencies related to its recruitment process.